Apps Apps everywhere !!

A set of educational web tools that I wasn’t aware of!
Interesting apps that you could use in the classroom. As a teacher of the 21st century, it can become a bit over whelming, I certainly feel like that sometimes with the millions of apps and resources out there! What do you use? what app is good? Should I buy this app or just get the free one? Will I ever use this app? Will the students like it? Is it too hard or easy? Just a few questions that goes through my mind when looking at apps for education. As overwhelming it can be It is pretty amazing with all the apps out there. There’s apps for spelling to researching apps or even you can get an app for the world cup soccer! Aside from the overwhelming feeling of the million billion apps that is out there, I will be collecting interesting and new apps for my ICT tool belt as teacher!

Assignment 3

Like Danielle and Billy, I too are behind on my blogs and learning journal due to the last 3 past hectic weeks! Which has left me ridiculously busy the last couple of days of finishing assignments, blogs and starting my 10 weeks worth of lectures and notes for two exams at the end of this week! Bring on the holidays. The only thing that is getting me through this dark week of study!!!


As you can see I have been flying through my blogs for this assignment and I only have got two left to do after this one. The reason for flying through my blogs is because I will not have time after today to complete them with the 3rd assignment coming up and the needs that are required in another assignments. Who has started the third assignment? Who has not? How does everyone feel about the third assignment? Just putting out the feelers as I will be starting to make a big dent in it tomorrow. Hope everyone is keeping up to date with everything. Looking forward to any responses.


Thanks Billy

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This app sounds awesome! Even though I missed this class this week due to prac, from this blog I am able to go and explore this app because I read about it. Another plus about this experience of blogs! Aurasma sounds interesting and different, I can see that the kids would love to experience this app in the classroom. It could work for all different subjects which is a plus! It sounds like a bit of magic, pictures coming to life. As emileighlouise mentioned it does sounds like Harry Potter!! I will be downloading this app and testing it out before my next prac for sure!

Emileigh Rice

On Tuesday’s class, we were introduced to the app Aurasma

This app was mind blowing. The app allows you to record a video (on whatever you choose) and have a trigger image where you will hold your phone/ device up to and the video will appear. This app would cater for differentiation in the classroom and engage students in the 21st Century technology. I would use this app for a unit plan where I would have trigger images around the room where students can go to and listen to the video about the topic, catering for audio, visual and kinaesthetic learners as students will listen, be up and moving around with their learning and visually see the photo come to life. It feels very Harry Potter like, where photos just come to life and start speaking to you. I love it and can’t wait to implement it in the classroom! 

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