An awesome ICT board to follow on Pinterest! Check it out!


Another wonderful find on Pinterest!!

While working on EDC3100 assignment two I stumbled across this awesome board on pinterest!

It has Examples of how to use video in the classroom. Ideas for creating and using screencasts/podcasts, Skype, and Youtube.

An excellent board to follow for future teachers!

Here’s the link:

First week back done and dusted already?


I feel like I’ve a bit MIA lately with my blogs so I better fix that. Holidays? What holidays some people would say… It’s that time of the semester when every student is trying to swim safely and not drown or get attacked by the sharks circling you. (yes dramatic I know) but it does feel like that sometimes with all the assignments starting to be due at the same time, prac and exam block around the corner while still trying to have some sort of a social life. (Especially when you see your exam time table and you feel like sitting in the corner of the room in ball and hope it all goes away because you have exams back to back without a day in-between) . Luckily we got thrown a lifejacket this week by receiving an extension for assignment two for 3100. Which I was very happy about, more time to breathe and finish it. However it does go into time when you should be working on another assignments – double edge sword.. Here’s to week two! ( P.S sorry for all the symbolism and shark talk..)